Wednesday 5 August 2015

secret of taj mahal

Hidden rooms, chambers, and Foundations in the Taj Mahal that existed have been hidden and defaced then covered up away from the public gaze.

these arches along the eastern side of the plinth are an indication of the row upon row of rooms total 1089 that lie hidden inside the marble plinth.

Closely scrutinise how the arches and the rectangular ventilators above have been sealed with marble slabs of different sizes and tints.

These seven arches enclose stairs which lead to the top of the marble plinth symmetrrically from right to left and lead to hundreds of rooms enclsed behind the sealed arches

The Taj contains many doorways leading to secret chambers . These doorways have been sealed with brick and lime

2 independent visitors Mr P.N. Sharma and Mr Ganu have had a glimpse of some of those hidden chambers hiding vital evidence of Vedic idols and the rape of the Hindu Taj Mahal.

Besides these many are kept locked by the Government for fear of enraging Muslims and exposing the incompetence of historians world-wide.
the public must raise its voice to have these opened or should institute legal proceedings.

Rooms and Foundations that existed have been hidden and defaced then covered up away from the public gaze.
In the same room strips of ancient Hindu paint are seen on the wall flanking the doorway.
The niches above had paintings of Hindu Gods obviously rubbed off by Mogul desecrators.
The rooms may be seen door within door in a row.
The Archaeological Survey of India keeps conspiratorially locked to hood wink the public.
If the public knew of the Taj hiding hundreds of rooms they would insist in seeing the whole of it.

In a secret red stone storey immediately below the marble platform is one of the 22 riverside rooms
Note Shahjahan has crudely walled up a doorway with un-plastered bricks.
This crude blocking is Shahjahan grand building work.

The public deserves to see this for themselves and investigate the matter further

A corner of one of the rooms in the secret storey immediately below the marble platform of the Taj Mahal.
Note the strips of Hindu paint on the wall. Shahjahan has crudely walled the ventilator at the left, meant for air and light from the riverside, up.
He did not bother even to plaster them.

Had Shahjahan built the Taj as a mausoleum what was the purpose of 22 rooms?

And why are they kept locked and hidden from the public?

On the inner flank of the 22 locked rooms

In the secret storey in red stone below the marble platform is this corridor about 12ft. broad and 300 ft long.

Note the scallop design at the base of the plinth supporting the arches.

This is Hindu decoration which enables one to identify even a bare plinth as Hindu.

Sunday 2 August 2015


Scientists have discovered the receptors that allow snakes to find prey in the dark..
Protein ion channels allow snakes to 'see' in the dark.

Vipers, pythons and boas have holes on their faces called pit organs, which contain a membrane that can detect infrared radiation from warm bodies up to one metre away. At night, the pit organs allow snakes to 'see' an image of their predator or prey — as an infrared camera does — giving them a unique extra sense.

A study by US researchers, published online in Nature, has now revealed how this works at a molecular level. Nerve cells in the pit organ contain an ion channel called TRPA1 — an infrared receptor that detects infrared radiation as heat, rather than as light, thus confirming theories of pit-organ function long held by behavioural ecologists. The receptors are also found inside the heads of mammals, where TRPA1 channels, also known as wasabi receptors, detect pungent irritants from mustard plants or other sources.

The pit organ contains nerve fibres known as trigeminal ganglia. The researchers reasoned that a good way to home in on the organ's molecular heat detectors would be to compare the trigeminal ganglia with the dorsal root ganglia. The latter supply the brain with sensory input from the neck down and would be less likely to produce proteins that only pit-organs need to detect heat. The team looked at the different RNAs produced by each type of nerve — an indication of which genes are active and producing proteins. They found only one, TRPA1, which was being expressed differently in the two types of ganglia, with the gene in the trigeminal ganglia producing 400 times more RNA than that in the dorsal root ganglia.